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“I draw the flowers that I happen to see, in gardens, woods or anywhere. Drawing relaxes me. I never randomly pick anything. If I have no time to draw it, I don’t take it.  


My love for everything that grows and flourishes as well as drawing were handed to me from a very young age, just like writing to keep in touch with loved-ones. 


Like me, my mother wrote countless letters, while my father, a GP, was fascinated by nature. He taught me all about the healing powers of flowers and plants. During the war he sent home letters from the camp, all decorated with small drawings of flowers. Even there he beheld nature in all her glory.


I am very proud that my flowers are now ‘officially’ out in the world. It feels like spreading the love for people and nature that was instilled in me all throughout my childhood!"


Love, Judith Marlene       

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